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INSPIRING LEGENDS: Real Life Inspirational Stories (Book 1)

Von Stan Barren

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2015-11-13
  • Seitenzahl: 76
  • Sprache: en


Do you think that you are stuck while chasing the dream of your life and need the start to do the things that you always want to do? Don’t worry! This book has a plenty of inspiration & motivation for you. Read the 40 real life inspirational & motivational stories of popular & famous people around the world and get inspired & motivated to chase your dream and start doing the things that you always want to do. This is the first book from the series Real Life Inspirational Stories where you will find inspirational stories of famous people like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Aung San Suu Kyi, Charles Darwin, Claude Monet, Conan O'Brien, Daniel Craig, Dick Cheney, Djimon Hounsou, Ella Fitzgerald, Eminem, Halle Berry, Harry Houdini, Harry Truman, Hilary Swank, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, John Grisham, Lady Gaga, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lionel Messi, Lisa Kudrow, Lucille Ball, Mahatma Gandhi, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, Michael Oher, Oliver Stone, Pope Francis, Richard Branson, Socrates, Stephen King, Steve Jobs, Susan B. Anthony, Swami Vivekananda, Thomas Edison, Tina Fey, Vincent Van Gogh, Warren Buffet. Our mission is to inspire & motivate everyone to find their real value to the life and make the best out of it to change the world into better place. If you are a person who struggles in life with facing problems, setbacks and don’t find the right motivation to do things the way you wanted to be, also you have tried everything that gives you the motivation but doesn’t last long then you need to ask yourself one question. Are you giving up on your dreams of your life? Your positive answer depends on how motivated you are. The biggest problem for everyone is to stay motivated all the time and get what they want. When you start living in fear and being the victim of what life gives you, the frustration starts to make you to give up on everything, the aspiration that you seek in life seems impossible most of the times. Ignoring this problem only make it worse and put you at risk of living an ordinary and suffered life. Your dreams will never become true. I know how you feel but I found a way out and I can show you how to overcome this. I went through very tough situations in my life, I was homeless, broke and frightened. Getting the right Motivation was never easy, but I found a way to deal with it and get what I want. Just look at the results of what I have generated for myself. I have been able to do the things that I would not have imagined. Today, I have a successful life, because I am doing what I always wanted to do. I like to inspire other people and help them to approach their dreams. I am motivational speaker and writer. I have written motivational books, also speaks at schools and events as a motivational speaker. After reading my books and listening to my speeches others have responded that their life is now much more meaningful. Imagine what it will feel like to live your dream. Every day you able to do what you love. Stay motivated and strong in tough times. Isn’t it great? Here’s what you get from me is a gold mine of inspiration. I have written some amazing motivational books like this one. Staying motivated is your goal and it is served and I promise that these books will become your source of inspiration. What are you waiting for? Go and get your copy to start reading these amazing inspirational stories.




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