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Quicklet on Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

Von Charles Limley

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2011-11-09
  • Seitenzahl: 40
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:1614648042
  • ISBN-13:9781614648048


ABOUT THE BOOK Paulo Coelho has taken on the reputation of a modern-day mystic, an artist whose work is at once practical self-help, myth, New Age spiritualism, and personal inspiration. Coelho's reputation centers around his unfaltering belief in the inherent value of each individual, and the potential of every person to achieve greatness. The Alchemist is his treatise to the world. In it he asserts the importance of following dreams, even in the face of obstacles, and explores the reasons why this pursuit so often becomes complicated, difficult, and fraught with fear and danger. MEET THE AUTHOR Charles Limley is a native of Colorado. After earning bachelor's degrees in both English Literature and Humanities from the University of Colorado Boulder, he entered the world of professional writing. He began his work with Hyperink during the fall of 2011. In addition to writing, Limley is an avid reader. He also loves bicycles, and has completed several long-distance bicycle tours.




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