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An A to Z of Ancient Egypt

Von Simon Cox

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2006
  • Seitenzahl: 240
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:1845960777
  • ISBN-13:9781845960773


The mystery and history of Ancient Egypt has intrigued explorers, travellers and armchair enthusiasts for millennia. Now, in this concise and easy-to-read guide, bestselling author Simon Cox will answer questions and put the record straight in a compact and attractive volume, the first in his new A to Z series. * Who was Osiris and what are the legends surrounding him? * What did all the gods and goddesses symbolise and what were their roles? * How was Ancient Egypt divided up and what jobs did the population undertake? * When were the pyramids built and what are all the latest theories about their construction and meaning? * Is there a hidden Hall of Records waiting to be discovered beneath the Egyptian sands? With the travelling Tutankhamun exhibition set to bring Egyptomania to the United States and Europe over the coming year, this easily accessible reference aid will be an essential guide to all things Egyptian.




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