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Do the Work by Steven Pressfield (Summary)

Von QuickRead

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  • Sprache: en


Do you want more free book summaries like this? Download our app for free at https://www.QuickRead.com/App and get access to hundreds of free book and audiobook summaries. Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way. Do you find yourself unable to finish a project? Perhaps your dream is to write a book, start a new business, or begin a new philanthropic endeavor. As you begin your new project, fear begins to seep in and you begin to self-sabotage. You procrastinate and begin to engage in self-doubt, these demons prohibit you from achieving your goals and pursuing your dreams. Unfortunately, many of us find ourselves in this position quite often. But where does this inner resistance come from and why is it consistently stopping us from accomplishing more? Throughout Do the Work, Steven Pressfield aims to teach you everything you need to know to identify these causes of resistance and how to stop it from taking over. You’ll learn the various techniques you need to overcome the resistance, get back to work and finally turn your dreams into a reality. As you read, you’ll learn how arrogance and ignorance are your allies, you'll discover how to slay a dragon, and finally, you'll understand why failure leads to success.




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