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The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton (Summary)

Von QuickRead

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  • Sprache: en


Do you want more free books like this? Download our app for free at https://www.QuickRead.com/App and get access to hundreds of free book and audiobook summaries. Discover the art of travel and learn how to appreciate and make the most of your next trip. Many times we find ourselves overly stressed about work, relationships, and life. During these times, we fantasize about being somewhere else and just escaping the daily grind. We set the screensavers of our computer screens to tropical destinations and imagine lying in the sand with a drink in our hands. If only we were somewhere else, our problems would no longer exist, right? Finally, we book the trip and excitement ensues. However, we soon learn the anticipation was much more exciting than the trip itself as we encounter traveling woes like long lines, crowded places, intense heat and humidity, and mosquitos! Alain de Botton, however, wants to teach you how to travel better. Learn how to take pleasure in small things and change your perspective about common travel discomforts. Instead of groaning about the small, uncomfortable seats on the airplane, think about the miracle of flying through the clouds and seeing the world from a new perspective. With tips from past travelers and philosophers, de Botton will teach you how to appreciate your surroundings and make your traveling experiences more meaningful and memorable.




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