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Summary: Outliers ...in 30 Minutes - A Concise Summary of Malcolm Gladwell's Bestselling Book

Von Malcolm Gladwell

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2012-11
  • Seitenzahl: 46
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:1623150361
  • ISBN-13:9781623150365


Outliers ...in 30 minutes is the essential guide to quickly understanding the ideas explored in Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling book, Outliers: The Story of Success. Understand the key ideas behind Outliers in a fraction of the time: •27 essential insights and takeaways •11 illustrative case studies •9 chapter-by-chapter synopses In Outliers, bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell examines the fundamentals of extraordinary success and the people who achieve it. Claiming that society pays too much attention to characteristics like intelligence and ambition in successful people and not enough to the circumstances that shape them, Gladwell argues that external forces also propel the highly successful. As demonstrated in Outliers, culture, family, demographics, chance circumstances, and hidden advantages can have as much, or more, to do with an outlier's success as IQ or drive. Throughout Outliers, Gladwell uses compelling research and fascinating case studies to demonstrate his assertion that nobody achieves success on his or her own merits. A 30 Minute Expert Summary of Outliers Designed for those whose desire to learn exceeds the time they have available, the Outliers summary helps readers quickly and easily become experts ...in 30 minutes.




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