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Barye; Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor

Von Charles DeKay

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 1889
  • Seitenzahl: 158
  • Sprache: en


The volume offered by the Barye Monument Association to those interested in the fund for a monumnet to Antoine Louis Barye at Paris is the memorial of a very uncommon event. The United States has no sentimental feeling with regard to France as the fatherland, like that which a large number of American cherish toward Great Britain and Ireland. Bonds of amity were knit in the past, and others have been formed since France became a republic ; but the difference of tongue more than offsets these. Therefore great merit must exist in the artist whose work exercises enough fascination to set Americans on the task of gathering funds for a monument that is to stand three thousand miles away across the ocean. It is often said that art has no country. But when, before this, has a foreign land raised a monument to a sculptor of modern times? -- Preface note.




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