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Strength and Compassion in Kidney Failure

Von E.A. Friedman

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2012-12-06
  • Seitenzahl: 221
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:9401152969
  • ISBN-13:9789401152969


Having kidney failure is not a unique experience. Neither is receiving a kidney transplant or undergoing dialysis. Adopting to irreversible uremia - a devastating illness- by assisting others to cope with their own life trial represents the best of human traits. Bonded by marriage for 42 years, I was privileged to love and live with a marvelous and unique individual whose approach to life with this horrific disease taught me to regard every moment of our existence as precious. Preparation of this volume had two main objectives: 1) To honor the author for all of efforts in behalf of kidney patients. 2) To disseminate her insights and wisdom to those who may derive comfort and benefit from her words. Mildred (Barry) Friedman was a medical writer and patient advocate devoted to the American Association of Kidney Patients, who died at University Hospital of Brooklyn on September 21 st 1997 at the age of 61 of complications of type 1 diabetes. Barry, the second child of Leontine and Hardinge Barrett-Lennard, was born on October 17,1935 in Manhattan and attended Brooklyn College as a New York State Scholarship Awardee earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1953. She subsequently began teaching in the New York City elementary schools gaining a Master's degree in education. Following the birth of her third child, Barry developed both diabetes and Addison's disease forcing her retirement from teaching.




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