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Sixpence and Selkies

Von Tilly Wallace

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2021-04-09
  • Seitenzahl: 300
  • Sprache: en


A heart as lonely as the ocean… Hannah and Wycliff arrive at his ancestral estate in Dorset as tragedy strikes the coastal village. A young woman has lost her life to the tempestuous ocean, but only Hannah suspects the woman’s death is anything but a horrible accident. As Hannah learns more about life in the closeknit community, she discovers two other women lost their lives to the sea. Or did they? A rift grows between the young couple, as Wycliff refuses to believe another hand was responsible for the deaths. With her husband consumed by the needs of the long neglected estate, Hannah is left to her own devices and finds herself walking the same lonely path as the dead women. Can Hannah and Wycliff heal the chasm in their relationship, or will Hannah succumb to the call of the ocean…?




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