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Extended Summary Of Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It - By Chris Voss And Tahl Raz

Von Mentors Library

Buch Informationen

  • Datum: 2019-02-02
  • Seitenzahl: 30
  • Sprache: en
  • ISBN-10:3965085859
  • ISBN-13:9783965085855


ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK The author Chris Voss, in collaboration with Tahl Raz, created Never Split The Difference as a manual to learn negotiation methods to succeed in commercial business, in personal relationships and also in any other field in which reaching an agreement is essential for the well-being of every person. Traditional teaching in negotiation courses has become obsolete despite the fact that it continues to be taught because it leaves out elements that become highly relevant at the moment of negotiation: the individual emotions and the irrational behavior that businessmen can adopt. These negative factors are much more evident in negotiations with kidnappers, for example, because the lives of others are in danger and accepting the terms of criminals is always far from being the best solution. The authors of Never Split The Difference have extruded all the knowledge of Voss's experience with the FBI in negotiations with kidnappers and extreme situations involving hostages. From this, they have learned that the opposite party in a negotiation will be more willing to cooperate if they feel heard and understood from the start. Engaging in a dialogue in which one listens carefully to the other lays the groundwork for an honest exchange with clear intentions, even when the negotiation is carried out with criminals. There are many tactics that readers of this book can learn to improve their business. Including the demonstration of emotional empathy to neutralize negativity or hostile behavior of the other party and thus prevent potential damage is highlighted. Another popular tactic is effective haggling, which is being built step by step during the negotiation to make the counterpart believe that the "final offer" is the best they can get.




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